Welcome to Bella Vista Middle School's ELD Program page. Our curriculum is driven by the California Department of Education's content standards which can be viewed using the link provided. Bella Vista Middle School provides an English Language Development (ELD) Program on site. This is a state-funded program that offers special instruction in learning English orally, as well as to develop reading and writing skills. Teachers use various second language acquisition strategies to develop English vocabulary and comprehension skills. Our ELD students come from all parts of the world and enrich the diversity of our school community.
The goals of the ELD Program are:
- To provide English Learners with language skills that will enable them to participate fully in the mainstream classroom
- To provide all students with an understanding of and respect for each other's cultural traditions and values
- To develop a positive self-concept, an ability to relate well to others, and acceptable standards of conduct and citizenship
ELD instruction prepares students with an academic foundation that contributes to lasting student achievement. ELD teachers use various second language acquisition strategies to develop English vocabulary and comprehension skills. All instruction in the ELD classroom is conducted in English. Students in the ELD Program have access to the same grade level core curriculum and textbooks that mainstream students receive. ELD students participate in all of the same school activities as their grade level peers in the regular program. In addition, ELD students have the same opportunities to participate in special education or Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) programs provided by the district.
When ELD students have met all of the requirements of the ELD Program, they can attend the mainstream education program. This process is called reclassification. Students are reclassified based upon multiple measures and include state standardized tests, such as the CELDT and STAR, teacher judgment, parent input, and other measures of student performance as needed.
The following terms are regularly used in the English Language Development Program:
- ELD: English Language Development
- EL: English Learners
- LEP: Limited English Proficient
- FEP: Fluent English Proficient
- CELDT: California English Language Development Test
- Initial CELDT: The testing process when the child first enters the program.
- Annual CELDT: The testing that happens in the fall once the child is enrolled in the ELD Program for one year and has not passed the initial CELDT.
- Reclassified: The student has passed the required tests and changes from the status as English Learner to the Fluent English Proficient designation.
- SDAIE: Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English
- CLAD (Cross-Cultural Language and Academic Development): Certification for a teaching credential that authorizes teachers to work with English Learners