Guidelines and Policies
Bella Vista Middle School
Physical Education Department Policies
Physical Education is an integral part of the total education at Bella Vista Middle School.
Students will be exposed to various sports, games, activities and skills that will improve physical
fitness, health, cooperation, and reduce stress. Our goal is to create an environment where
life-long fitness is the expectation.
Lori Brooks Doug Kossak Wes Wood
Darren Caster Julie Gautsche
• Dress in BVMS uniform for PE every day, in any weather.
• Wear your own BVMS PE uniform only, NO SHARING
• Keep uniform clean and “rip-free”.
• Write first and last name on name bar only. No other writing may be on PE clothes.
• Please keep PE sweatpants and sweatshirts in locker for a cold day.
• A non-suit will result in an automatic referral (email to the office with a discipline point)
• Additional non-suits will result in a referral, discipline point, and a drop in letter grade.
• Students may borrow clothing at the beginning of the dress period.
• Loans are a privilege and not to be abused. Abuse will result in loss of loan privileges.
• Denial of loans due to irresponsible behavior will result in a non-suit and will carry the appropriate discipline as described above under “Non Suits.”
• Borrowing loans can result in lowering of daily points, break detention and other assignments based on teacher discretion.
• Return clothing right side out in the dirty laundry basket so it can be washed.
• A lock and locker will be issued to each student; the lock must be returned at the end of the year or if leaving school.
• Locker and locker room usage is a privilege and can be suspended.
• Lost locks will cost $8.00 to replace.
• To help eliminate theft ALWAYS lock up your belonging and do not share combination with anyone.
Every student has the opportunity to earn a satisfactory grade regardless of athletic ability. Students earn points through exhibiting consistent sportsmanship, effort and teamwork. Points can be deducted for non-participation, unsportsmanlike behavior, missing make-up work, non-suits, or excessive loaners.
Grade will be based on:
State Physical Education Standards
- Fitness/ Running Tasks
- Participation/ Effort
- Social behaviors
If you are unable to participate in PE please bring in a note from a parent and turn it into our health clerk before school. Any illness or injury beyond 3 days requires a Medical Excuse from a Physician stating the limitations. Depending on the injury level, students may still be required to dress out and may be provided with a modified activity. If a student is Medically Excused from a Physician for 3 or more weeks a pass/fail grade will be earned upon completion of written work or a grade may be earned if all run days are made up when the student returns.
Parent Notes requesting up to three days of rest from PE must include:
- Have student’s first and last name
- Be signed by a parent with parent phone #
- Provide a reason for no PE
Because this is a participation class all work must be made up. Clearing an absence through attendance does not excuse the work missed in PE. If you missed a participation day (regardless of the reason) you must complete 30 minutes of an aerobic activity (get heart rate up and get sweaty) and then turn in an absent make up form found on your teacher’s website. All absent make ups must be turned in within 2 weeks of the missed day. All grade updates are on Infinite Campus. MAKE UP WORK FOR FITNESS AND RUN DAYS All Fitness and Run Days must be made up in class with your teacher. Because you are missing class activity you will need to complete an absent make up form in addition to making up the run in class. You MAY NOT use an “Absent Make up Form” to clear a missed fitness or run activity.
During periods of excessive heat, weather conditions are checked regularly. Temperature, heat Index, humidity, and breeze factor are evaluated prior to each class. When heat index is above 90 degrees, activities are modified.
Examples of modifications may be
- Reduced duration of activity
- Additional break/rest time
- Lower running/jogging expectations (fewer laps, or shorter time)
- Non-running activities (ex. playing catch)
- Outdoor activities may be moved to a different location (grass, shade)
When heat index is above 100, activities are limited to indoor only, or cancelled.
Students are reminded to self monitor and take water breaks when needed.