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Eighth Grade Dedications

Updated 07/10/24


Dear 8th Grade Parents:

It's hard to believe, but in just a few short months, your student's stay at Bella Vista Middle School will be nothing more than a memory. We are doing our best to put together a yearbook that will help your student remember the best of his or her final year forever. Unfortunately, try as we might, there is no way that we can possibly capture how proud you are of your child or put into words all that you must be feeling.

But that doesn't mean that you can't tell your student yourself. Parents can purchase space in the back of this year’s BVMS YEARBOOK and tell him or her how proud they are: in their own words and using their own photos! AND THE WHOLE YEARBOOK WILL BE IN FULL COLOR, including the student dedications!

  • Please go to the Jostens Website to order

Prices are as follows: by:

October 11, 2024

December 18, 2024

1/8 Page



1/4 Page



1/2 Page



Full Page




Please note that all material contained in dedications (photographs, text, etc) must be deemed appropriate for our middle school audience. Any material deemed inappropriate by the BVMS yearbook staff and administration will be modified or removed.

If you have questions about dedications, please email them to




The Yearbook Staff