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Attention Silverhawks!  

Standout voting for the 2024-2024 school is now closed!

Please check back in January 2025

Take time to figure out who YOU would like to nominate for a Standout.

Last year categories for the 2024 School year:

Best Style

Best Hair

Most Spirited

Most likely to be famous

Class Clown

Most Athletic

Heart of Gold

Best Laugh


Take this week to figure out who YOU would like to nominate for a Standout.

  • There are Standouts for each grade level - 8th grade, 7th grade, and 6th grade.

Before you nominate, PLEASE make sure you know the individuals First name and Last name (correct spelling would be awesome!)

You will ONLY get 1 nomination per category: one boy and one girl, so make sure you are prepared!

*You will vote for 1 boy and 1 girl for each category.


Instructions for voting:

If you are not logged into your browser using your school email address, you will NOT be able to access the ballots. PLEASE FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS BELOW.

  1. Open a new tab in your browser
  2. Go to the Google home page.
  3. Log into Google using your school email address
  4. Go back to the tab where the BVMS website is open.
  1. After you are logged into your browser using your school email address (see steps 1-4 above), click the link below that corresponds to your grade level. Once you have opened the ballot, please read the voting requirements listed at the top. *Remember when looking for names, please look for the student's full name; for example: Anthony instead of Tony.


  • Sixth grade standouts
  • Seventh grade standouts
  • Eighth grade standouts