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About BVMS

Who we are...

Bella Vista Middle School is located in the north eastern section of the Temecula valley in Riverside County, California. Though we are part of the Temecula Valley Unified School District, we have a Murrieta post office address. We are built to house 1600 students and our current population is approximately 1400 students. We have three elementary schools that feed into our middle school. Our motto is "Every person learning everyday with S.P.I.R.I.T. (Success Pride Integrity Respect Involvement Teamwork)".

Our goal is to provide our students access to a quality education while supporting their emotional and social needs as they begin their teenage years.

Our Mission Statement

Here at Bella Vista Middle School, it is our mission to:

Provide a safe, nurturing place where students are valued and their well being is priority.

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Make educational materials available to students and staff through books and technology. Foster a love of reading. Prepare students for higher education and the work world by supporting Common Core strategies in all subject areas. 

~We strive to support you, praise you, and empower you during your years at Bella Vista~