General Procedures
In order to keep the focus on academics, we ask for the entire BVMS community’s support in adhering to the following:
- Please remind your student to have their phone on silent or turned off and in their backpack during the school day.
- Their phone is their responsibility. They need to keep it in a secure location at all times. BVMS is not responsible for lost, stolen or broken phones.
- Keep your belongings and materials in control at all times.
- Although celebrations can be vun, BVMS isn’t the place for stuffed toys, balloons or flower bouquets as it distracts from the learning environment. Thus, toys, balloons or bouquets are not permitted on campus.
- For safety reasons, a person picking up a student MUST be on the emergency card or have prior arrangements made with the attendance office. The person checking the student out must presenta photo I.D. to the attendance clerk.
- If your child forgets his or her lunch, please bring their lunch to the office with their name on it. It will be placed on a table in the front office. Students are instructed to go to the office if they do not have lunch. They may pick up their lunch if it is waiting there with their name on it. Please remember that items left on the table are done so at the risk of the person leaving them there. BVMS does not assume responsibility for items left The same will be true for lunch money, PE clothes and homework. Unfortunately, deliveries are disruptive to the classroom learning environment. Therefore, we will not call the classroom to notify students of forgotten items or give students messages.
Please refer to our school handbook for additional information, procedures and guidelines for a successful school year.