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Welcome to the Bella Vista Middle School Health Department website. We believe that a student's health is a critical component of his or her success at school. We hope that the information contained on this page will help support the development of healthy students at BVMS!

Healthy students learn better. Our goal in the health office is to keep students healthy and safe while at school. Although it is important for students to be at school every day, there are general guidelines for when to keep your child home. Please review the Health Guidelines for Students. Due to unexpected illnesses and emergencies, current home, work and cell numbers are important to our school. Please take time to update any changes in your personal phone numbers and emergency contact numbers.

Medication Policy

If it is necessary for your student to take medication at school, it is important to note the following district, County and State guidelines.

  • Any student needing medication (including "over the counter" medications) at school must have written parent and physician permission on file (annually) with the school health office. You may download the "Authorization for Prescribed and Over the Counter Medication" form here. Any medications that are not self-administered must be kept in the health office.
  • Students are allowed to carry asthma inhalers, epi-pens and diabetic supplies provided that they have a properly completed (both sides 1 & 2) of the Authorization for Prescribed and Over the Counter Medication form on file with the BVMS health office.

If you have any questions regarding the BVMS MEDICATION POLICY, please feel free to contact our Health Office.

Health Concerns

It is important to keep the health office informed of any health issues or medications that have been prescribed to your child. Please contact the health office directly to update any medical information or to schedule a meeting with the District Nurse.

Health Office Staff

Bailey Spice, LVN

Crystal Nikoomanesh, RN