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Special Education

Special education students at BVMS are served through a team approach, including classroom teachers, interpreters, counselors, speech/language pathologist, psychologist, adaptive PE teacher, and instructional assistants.

The BVMS special education team works collaboratively to ensure students' success. Special education team members communicate information regarding IEP goals, modifications, accommodations, and student learning profiles to the individuals working with each student, on an ongoing basis, and oversees student success throughout their school day. Instruction and services are provided within a range of options based on student abilities, needs, and IEP requirements. Services may include a collaborative instructional support model and/or a small group pull-out model, depending on the level of support each student requires in order to be successful and work toward goal attainment.

Our goal is to help students learn and grow, within a supportive environment, focused on guiding and assisting them to reach their maximum potential.

Tips for Helping Your Child Succeed

  • Check student Planner daily for homework, supplies needed, and teacher notes.
  • Help your child keep their backpack and school materials organized - papers put into their binder or folder, trash thrown away, supplies restocked.
  • READ, READ, READ! Reading 30 minutes daily is the single best activity to strengthen reading, writing, vocabulary and spelling skills.
  • View school as your child's job: Reward their successes and make education a high priority.
  • Check your child's grades online regularly.
  • Communicate regularly with your child's teachers - a team approach is best.