Behavioral Supports
Maintaining a safe, engaging, and effective learning environment requires consistent and clear behavior expectations. At BVMS we want to ensure that our students and staff share a clear vision of what it means to be safe, be respectful and responsible. An assembly is held at the beginning of the year to define and explain the campus-wide behavior expectations. Expectations for specific areas on campus are taught and reviewed throughout the year to support students in making positive behavior choices on campus.
Hawk-eye Awards
When behaviors exceed expectations, students are recognized with “Hawk-eye” awards. “Hawk-eye” award recipients will turn in the pink copy of their award into the library to be entered in campus-wide drawings. Our goal is to focus on positive behavior and to support and maintain a safe and nurturing learning environment. In the event that behavior expectations are not met, consequences will be assigned.
Shared Responsibility
As a member of the BVMS community, we want every student to feel safe and comfortable upon campus. If a student has a concern, they are encouraged to talk to a counselor
Behavior Consequences
Behavior consequences will be issued when students do not meet behavior expectations. Consequences may range from a warning, to suspension and/or expulsion depending on the frequency and/or severity of the behavior. Behavior consequences will be on a point system. All students begin the school year with zero discipline points. Students will accrue discipline points based on involvement in behavioral incidents on campus. Once points accrue, they will remain for the duration of the school year. Discipline points will be assigned as follows: Each referral to the office will be assigned 1 discipline point. If a student receives and on-campus suspension the student will be issued 2 discipline points. If a student receives an off-campus suspension 3 discipline points will be issued. Additionally, if a student accrues 2 or more discipline points within 30 days of a school activity, he/she will not be allowed to participate in that activity. It is our goal to support students in being successful on campus and to support them in being able to participate in all school activities.
8th Grade Students’ End of the Year Activities
In order for 8th grade students to be able to attend all 8th grade end of the year activities, students must be successful in following school-wide behavior expectations. Students who accrue the following number of discipline points, will not be eligible to participate in celebratory activities:
Knotts Trip - 12 or more discipline points
Dance Party - 14 or more discipline points
Promotion Recognition Assembly - 20 or more discipline points
Suspension/Expulsion Pursuant To ED. Code Section 48900
Since many of the rules relating to student conduct involve violations of civil law, in addition to consequences pursuant to Education Code 48900, the school may be required to report these violations to the local law enforcement agency for further action.
Please be aware that according to Education Code 48900, a student may be suspended and/or expelled for the following offences:
- Caused, attempted to cause, or threatened to cause physical injury to another person.
- Possessed, used, sold, or otherwise furnished any firearm, knife, explosive, or other dangerous object.
- Possessed, used, sold, or otherwise furnished, or been under the influence of any controlled substance, alcoholic beverage or intoxicant of any kind.
- Offered, arranged, or negotiated to sell any controlled substance, alcoholic beverage or intoxicant of any kind, and then sold, delivered, or furnished another substance and represented it as a controlled substance, alcoholic beverage, or intoxicant of any kind.
- Committed robbery or extortion.
- Caused or attempted to cause damage to school or private property.
- Stole or attempted to steal school or private property.
- Possessed or used tobacco.
- Committed an obscene act, or engaged in habitual profanity or vulgarity.
- Had unlawful possession of, or offered, arranged, or negotiated to sell any drug paraphernalia.
- Disrupted school activities, or willfully defied the authority of school personnel.
- Knowingly received stolen school or private property.
- Possessed an imitation firearm.
- Committed or attempted to commit sexual assault, or committed sexual battery.
- Harassed, threatened, or intimidated a pupil who is a witness in a school disciplinary proceeding.
- Aiding or abetting in the infliction or attempted infliction of physical injury on another person.
- Committed sexual harassment (grades 4-12 only)
- Caused, attempted to cause, or participated in an act of hate violence (grades 4-12 only)
- Created an intimidating or hostile educational environment by intentionally engaging in harassment, threats, or intimidation against a pupil or group of pupils. (grades 4-12 only)
- Terrorist threats against school officials or school property
Behavioral Expectations Not Met May Include:
The behaviors listed below are examples of, but not limited to, behaviors that do not meet positive behavioral expectations. These types of behaviors will result in disciplinary action.
- Horseplay (pushing, play fighting, etc)
- Throwing of any object, food, or water
- Class disruption
- Repeated violation of classroom rules
- Dress code violations
- Chewing of gum on campus
- Eating in class or undesignated areas/times
- Electronic devices out on campus
- Truancy from class or school (Leaving class without permission/written pass)
- Littering
- PDA (Public Display of Affection)
- Direct defiant behavior or disrespect toward an adult
- Disruption of school activities as outlined in the Educational Code of Law
- Hitting, kicking, or other aggression as outlined in the Educational Code of Law
- Racial slurs
- Harassment
- Profanity
- Possession of weapons, dangerous objects, drugs, or paraphernalia
- Theft or possession of stolen property
- Destruction of property
- Threats to any person
- Possession of imitation firearm/laser pointer
- Shocking devices
- Any illegal action as outlined in the California Educational Code of Law
- Continual violations of class and school rules
Consequence(s): Minimum: = Conference Maximum: = Expulsion
Please refer to the Student Handbook for more information regarding school policies and discipline guidelines. Together, we can make this school a productive and safe learning environment for our students.